Under Vehicle Imaging Systems

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Service Img

Under Vehicle Imaging Systems

What are Under Vehicle Imaging Systems?

Under-vehicle imaging systems; In places where security weakness is high, for example, under-vehicle camera systems used in the security of Military, Public or Institutional Institutions. In these systems, it is used to detect malicious situations against situations that may cause loss of life and injuries, such as bombs, weapons or ammunition that may be hidden under the vehicle.
Under-vehicle imaging systems (AAGS), which is an advanced security system, can work in integration with other security systems. Under-vehicle imaging systems have many benefits. Thanks to these systems, which are at the forefront of the security measures taken, vehicles that have been used or stolen by terrorist organizations can easily be detected.

How Do Under Vehicle Imaging Systems Work?

Under-vehicle imaging systems consist of a combination of high-resolution cameras that can see under the vehicle from different angles and obtain detailed images. This system enables the vehicles to be recognized at the vehicle entry and exit points, to check their bottom, and to compare the new vehicle images obtained with the previously recorded images and detect the differences. If there is any difference in the images, the system gives a warning and warns the authorized person. Afterwards, necessary precautions are taken and the doors are closed and reinforcement team support is provided.
High-resolution cameras placed on the ground can take the necessary images of the lower parts of the vehicles in detail, even if they are in operation. The images taken on the monitor used in the system are combined and a complete image is obtained.
The images taken by the system operator are checked in a different center far from the control point and it is checked whether they pose a threat or not. It is important that the system operator, who is at the monitor and checking the images, is away from the control area. In case of any danger that may occur, the vehicle, which is a threat, may harm the person who controls it and its surroundings. In such cases, it is very important that there are no people at the scene. For this reason, the officers who control the system provide security from the monitor in an area far from the control point.

What is the Usage Area of Under Vehicle Imaging Systems?

Under-vehicle imaging systems are used extensively in every area where vehicle entrances and exits are located. It is one of the leading security systems used especially in the Military, Public Institutions and Organizations.
Under-vehicle imaging systems are divided into two according to the budget and usage area of the institution that will use it. These are fixed under vehicle control systems and portable under vehicle control systems. In short, under-vehicle imaging devices are generally used in all areas where there may be danger. Usage areas are as follows.

  • • Military and Security Forces Orders
  • • In State Institutions and Organizations
  • • Hospitals
  • • Nuclear Power Plants
  • • Schools
  • • Parking Entrances
  • • Private Garage Entrances
You will also have "After Sales Support" service with our Under Vehicle Imaging Systems solution.