About Us

15 years of experience in the security systems industry

We will continue to work non-stop for the creation of products, services and solutions that will shape our future, make our lives easier, and make the lives of the masses easier with the advancing technology, and for the continuous development of all these.

  • Our Vision

    As Secret Security Technologies and Trade LTD ŞTİ;
    To be one of Turkey's leading companies in the field of security solutions, always adopting customer satisfaction as a principle, with the most suitable solutions for the needs of its customers in the field of security systems, with up-to-date technology and professionally trained technical team.

  • Our Mission

    As Secret Security Technologies and Trade LTD ŞTİ;
    It is our only goal to correctly instill the concepts of weak currents into the whole society, from individuals to institutions.
    In this target, we act with the awareness of our responsibility to the KVKK and ethical principles, which constitute the legal framework of the sector.
    Our company; It has been institutionalized by including after-sales services on the way to our goals with our management approach and personnel selected with merit.
    As an exemplary company with responsibility in the security systems sector, Secret Security Technologies acts in line with its missions and implements these missions meticulously.